Blackberry Messenger and Apps for Blackberry Bold 9780?


New member
Jun 11, 2011
Right, I've got a BB and blackberry messenger doesn't seem to work! I've added people and they've added me but neither of us get invitations and it's rather frustrating.
The facebook app doesn't work and says I need to contact my service provider and change my data plan, however I'm on unlimited internet from T Mobile, and other apps work.
Anyone else having the same problem or got a solution? Do I have to pay extra for a bb package?
Thank youuu!
You do not have a problem,it's just that you have not set it up...
you need the BIS>data plan this costs £5 per month,extra to what ever you pay at present.All your
apps including messenger use data,this is internet usage,the actual messenger is free anywhere
but the internet is what you pay for (data) your service provider to set it up for you.....