I dropped my Husbands bike after speading two and a half hours cleaning, How...


New member
May 24, 2011
...can I make it up to him? A couple of days ago I thought I would really suprise my Husband by cleaning and doing his bike up for him. I spent two and a half hours T-cutting the plastics, polishing the metal work and oiling the chain. After I finished it gleamed and I felt really proud. I went to move it to place it into the garage so he would see the suprise in the morning, however this is where the problem started. I fell over with it and the bike hit me then the floor, I tried to get it to land on me to soften the crash so it wouldn't damage the bike too much. We picked it up and he left it on the stand ten minutes later it fell over and smashed into the brick wall. I spent the whole night feeling really sh*ty and promised to make it up and repair it. He has been brilliant and says it doesn't matter, doesn't stop me feeling bad. I bought him a minimoto to make up for it. Do you reckon he is ok with me? Or is he just putting on a front for my sake? Would what you do?