Do you find people who use hands free bluetooth headseats to be incredibly anoying?

They look like they are they are talking to themselves... it irritates me
Wow...there is an actual term? Awesome...bluetools...I like the way that rolls off my tounge..
It's even more annoying when they stare in my direction and I thought they were talking to me when they were actually on the phone. -.-
It's even more annoying when they stare in my direction and I thought they were talking to me when they were actually on the phone. -.-
I think its stupid and rude.
People don't always have to be on the phone or blue tooth headsets.
I always give them weird looks until they turn their heads and i see the blue tooth.
Sometimes it makes me wonder if other people think they are talking to them self. I saw a woman at the dentist using one and i seriously thought she was yelling at herself.