"/./" folders in .tar.gz files in Linux?


May 14, 2008
So I'm trying to alter some archive files in Ubuntu but I'm unable to edit or replace files as you can with 7zip in Windows. I can't use windows, because the directories I need to edit aren't visible in windows 7. Here's what I need to do:
I need to open "Archive.ipk". The ipk-archive consists of a single folder "." which contains two archive files; SubArchA.tar.gz and SubArchB.tar.gz. I need to replace or edit a file inside SubArchA.tar.gz, but the only way in Archive Manager (ubuntu) to save alterations to an archive are by saving as a new archive (cannot save over original, will return error), and when I do that, the directory "." is removed, and so the two tar.gz files are in the root of the .ipk instaid of under the directory ".". This is a problem because I do not believe the ipk will install correctly without the correct file-system structure. Also, if I extract the contents of the ipk, the folder is ignored. Anybody know how to preserve the structure?