How concerned should you be about cliches in fantasy?


New member
Aug 1, 2008
I know that I, for one, have been plagued by them for the past few weeks. They're everywhere, and I can't seem to give them the boot because they're part of the basic plot - oops, sorry, giant cliche! Tripped over you there, wasn't watching my feet... anyway. I have the whole blood-right-ruler thing, face-your-fears, take-down-the-evil-king, only-one-with-awesome-powers cliche and everything.
It's driving me crazy. I'm trying to think of ways to avoid them, and every time I snap my fingers and yell "That's it!" I realize I've just come up with another - and perhaps even more prominent - cliche.
Anyway, now that I'm done getting sidetracked.
What are your thoughts about the presence of cliches in a fantasy plot?

Thanks :D