Is marijuana really more harmful than cigarettes?


New member
Mar 6, 2011
I was reading the segment about marijuana on and some of the content was nearing sillly. Marijuana is as bad as having 5 cigarettes? Gateway drug?? Me myself being a pot smoker i find the paranoia is only brought on by the fact that it is illegal.

3.6% of the population use it???

This bits important. I don't want people telling me WHY its a gateway drug or the stats on the deaths related to marijuana. Also don't tell me that the way it is smoked is that bad i see why taking big hits it bad, thats just how you get high. One more thing listing the effects will not get any response, trust me i know what its like...

I want numbers.

What in marijuana does it make it 5 times worse than cigarettes? and in what quantities did they test it versus cigarettes.
What are the chemicals that are so called "cancer causing"?
Are they just making reasons to make it more hated?
If it wasn't illegal would it still be a "problem" or is it just something else the cops can bust you for?
Like cigarettes were deemed "Bad" but wasnt it "Normal" to smoke at one point like so with marijuana?

Sorry if I seemed tempered its just a topic i find interesting... btw you dont have to answer all of them i just mainly want the first few factual ones but the best stats and logic will get best answer... sources will be nice to
Yeah smoking it is bad only if you excessively smoke it. Thats why i like COOKIES *O*
Remember stats and logic. Chemicals?? I know alot about this topic so i need something interesting not just what pretty much every unlazy stoner knows. Thank you.
it would seem that you're looking for justification that it's okay for you to use.
in that vein, i'm probably not going to help.
i think that cigarettes have more cancer causing chemicals.
but i don't believe i've ever heard of anyone becoming disoriented from tobacco.
and i know for a fact that happens sometimes with marijuana.

in addition, there's been selective breeding, so there's more of the psychoactive ingredients today than there was some decades ago.

one problem is that there isn't, to my knowledge, a test for how much is too much, if you're driving.
that really does need to be done.
it's not fair to the rest of us that such is not available.

OH, and have a good day.
I don't have any hard facts & data off the top of my head, but it's basically this: some studies have shown (though probably not conclusively) that weed smoke is more irritating and/or carcinogenic than cigarette smoke at the same level. The problem is, people don't smoke nearly as much weed at a time as they do cigarettes, and bongs, vaporizers, etc.. limit the harmful effects even more. Plus higher quality bud = even LESS smoke you need to inhale. And if you're eating it, none of this is even an issue at all.

All things considered, weed is much less harmful than cigarettes. There are bound to be risks any time you inhale ANY sort of burning matter, but 'some risk' doesn't equate to 'really harmful to your health' in any way. That's just a gross overreaction by a largely ignorant public that's only been fed lies and misinformation by people who seek to keep weed illegal.

And no, it would still be a 'problem' in some sense if it were legal. People would still drive while high, which is a problem. Some people would come to work baked & do a lousy job, etc. But it wouldn't be a huge disruption to society, certainly nowhere near the impact that alcohol has, for example.
Yes because the smoke is a lot more dense. Its more harmful in a sense that it can affect your breathing but not kill like the way cigarettes do. Heard of anyone die because of smoking marijuana? Nope, not one case. Cigarettes are more harmful in a sense that it has tons of dangerous chemicals that can also get you addicted. Pot you can quit whenever you want, you'll just get a slight headache and some intense dreams. Cigarettes, there is a slim chance that quitting will even cross your mind.

"The reason why marijuana is illegal, because William Randolph Hearst ran a smear campaign against marijuana in the 1930's to protect his interest in the timber industry because hemp was poised to replace wood as a inexpensive raw material for the manufacturer of paper." --Brian Griffin Episode 420