Do you read the introductions in books?

Always. But if it is a classic with a modern intro I leave it to last because it usually has plot spoilers.
I always red the introduction - just in case it is horror or science fiction which I hate.
Sometimes. If you're talking about like an author's note, then usually not, unless it's really short. :) But if it's part of the story then yes I do.
yes i certainly do! it's a habit of mine. i like to take my time and be patient when figuring out how to do something. i enjoy going through steps and not rushing and just creating something. i don't like getting confused or frustrated because i missed a step or whatever. better safe than sorry.
You should always read them, sometime you can misinterpret whole book by not knowing some key facts.It doesn’t usually take a lot of time, but it can be enlightening.
Yes, these days I do.When I was young, I sometimes skipped them.If the writer included it, then there is probably a good reason to read it.