Will there be a season 3 in YUMEIRO PATISSIERE?? If ur not sure give me ALL the...


New member
Dec 28, 2010
...hints to why u think so!? Will there be a season 3!!!!! hope so!!! If u answer tell me all the HINTs!! Even every tiny details! Hints that nobody caught! If u
Thunk no give me hints y!compare to the ending of season1!!!
I think so
1:I heard all over a site that said there was going to be a season 3
2:At the last episode towards the end, the spirits said "We'll see you soon." they said SOON.
3:Ichigo is going to London, so there has to be a hint that season 3 will take place there.
4:Didn't we not get to see what group won for selling the most sweets at the end?
5:Its only been a couple of weeks since Yumeiro Patissiere Professional episode 13 came out. Its not like it has been a year since it came out.

I think there will be a season 3. Yet I do not think this is enough info to prove that there is a season 3.
I have heard that there is already a story board for a third season but I'm not completly sure. I hope that helped even a little! :)
well, its been quite long already since the last episode of yumeiro patissiere professional came out, and there's been no news yet, so.. but its not impossible! i hope that there will be a season 3, season 4, season 5, etc. , and endless episodes of yumeiro patissiere!! :D
I'm still wondering whether there'll be a season 3.
(I REALLY REALLY hope there'll be one...)

As was pointed out before...
Henri-sensei (Oh how I loathe thy) Mentioned setting up a branch in London.
And Kashino and Amano haven't really started they're relationship in public yet... So I hope they show that in season 3!

Also as was mentioned before..
They ended off season 2 with a "We'll see you soon!"
Or was it again? Can't remember.. watched it ages ago.

And Johnny and Koshiro haven't made a big enough fool of themselves yet.. so it can't end!

Hopefully hoping for a season 3!
I heard that there is a season 3 this june 2012 off a friend. Hope it helped.
It's already December 2012 and STILL no season 3 T^T Y U NO OUT SEASON 3 ?!?!
I am getting REALLY unsure about the third season because it is 2013 FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! :( :( I don't know if they are because there was nothing in Wikipedia that may give us a clue.
AWW not out yet! i just finished the 2nd season today! :) it was really good! ive looked every website but all ive found is requests and hopes. I REALLY HOPE THERE WILL BE A SEASON 3!! ITS 2013 COME ON ALREADY DX
I heard somewhere that there might be one late August 2013.
Yes yes!

There'll indeed be a season 3!
1. The spirits say "See you soon." at the end of episode 13 in season 2 (just like high school of the dead)
2. Ichigo's relationship just started up
3. Ichigo is going to london
4. The internet said so
5. They had an incomplete ending for season 2.
Now that I've sated then the next question is 'When'?
1. You have to be patient.
2. It's only been about 2 years since season 2 ended.
3. They probably want more views til they further invest money into this. So, maybe get your friends to watch it too. Alright?
4. It actually takes quite some time to do this. Especially because of the high everyday chances that they might be outrun, voice actor will quit, ect.
5. You need to do a lot before something is even allowed in countries.
6. Translating it to all different languages.
7. Money. They need more money to get this. You have to use money to make money, but also gain more money then loss. But before that they need a lot of money.
8. It's pretty bad ass to do a whole new idea and everything in under 2 years.
9. Just making the thing itself is hard enough.
I could go on and on, but we'll stop here. So, son't get your panties in a twist and wait.
I read a comment on youtube saying "HURRAY THERES GONNA BE A SEASON 3 LATE APRIL 2013 NOW IM HAPPY" but i can't find anything about this :p

I really do believe there is going to be a season 3 of Yumeiro Patissiere! I have been reading all over the internet that it will come out sometime August 2013! And although this could just be some hoax that some hater started to disappoint people, I really believe season 3 is coming out the August! X3 And there just HAS to be a season 3 because they left season 2 totally inviting a season 3 with Ichigo and Kashino just starting their relationship and going to London together! I really truly believe season 3 is coming out this August! Just a little longer and we will hopefully have it!