Is it normal for liberals to believe that a person's height is based on nutrition?


New member
Dec 9, 2010
Shouldn't the NBA be full of rich white kids from the suburbs?
It's normal for ANY intelligent person to realize nutrition had an effect on height, not just liberals.

There is no denying that politics does play a role in the size of one's pants though; here's the proof:
Using the word normal and liberal in the same sentence seems like a stretch to me !

That said I'm not rich by any realm of the imagination but 3 of my 4 sons are 6 foot or above
he was stating that nutrition can stunt, or improve growth. he did say that it's based on genetics otherwise.
Yes. It is also true. Genetics is only a predisposition, but a person needs the proper nutrition to reach the height they are genetically predisposed to achieve.

If you take two twins, feed one well and feed the other barely enough to survive, the well-fed one will be slightly taller than the malnourished one since his or her body will have had more building blocks to work with.
Science shows this.!&id=4668278
Asians are typically shorter than Westerners and they have tended to eat less meat. A link to diet seems possible