Which Sweetness pic should I use?

  • Thread starter iheart_you_too2
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http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff217/imageman18/507795_550x550_mb_art_R0.jpg?t=1207107333http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff217/imageman18/gallery2.jpg?t=1207107359http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff217/imageman18/image.jpg?t=1207107379http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff217/imageman18/walter-payton-endzone-dive.jpg?t=1207107392http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff217/imageman18/walter-payton-run.jpg?t=1207107406http://www.chron.com/content/news/photos/99/11/07/payton/wheaties.jpghttp://www.hollywoodcollectibles.com/autographed/memorabilia/sports/collectibles/authentic/football/framed/Walter_Payton_Wheaties_Frame.jpgTJ- Both, actuallysmithdj42- I saw that on Googlesicc_widit, Amanda- Sweetness is SupermanThe Big Tuna- Like this pic of John Beck?:http://www.nydailynews.com/img/2007/12/03/amd_johnbeck.jpgTJ- LOLMr. T
#2 or #6, though you would have to crop #2 for it to show up well as an avatar.wow...it's scary what comes up on google under "sweetness"Having an identity crisis again...or just bored?* I like this one...IDK why it cane up under "Walter Payton" on google...but hey....http://c.myspace.com/Groups/00007/84/00/7070048_l.jpg
The first one is a great picture, but the third one is how I will always picture him. I wonder how many junior league coaches had nightmares of Payton's running style?The third gets my vote, then the first. I liked the first wheaties picture, too.
2nd one... shows everyone how f'n bad a$$ he was!!! Flying like superman!edit: I know hes superman.. too bad we dont have players like him anymore that we're actually classy.. as a cowboys fan hes a player i have alot of respect for!!!
Yeah I like the second one. But y ou can just barely tell it is Payton so use the fifth one. It is a very good shot of one of the best running backs of all time.
Doesn't matter, they're all good. I'm a life-long Cowboys fan, but Payton gives me chills. Apologies to the Sanders & Smith crowds, but Sweetness was the best I've ever seen: period. (but to answer your question, I like #3)