I have a question about cell phones and IP addresses ISPs.?


New member
Nov 12, 2010
My girlfriend's phone automatically/routinely accesses her emails every 20-30 minutes (IMAP). She gave me her password by the way. I'm not too computer savvy but I've noticed for the past several months that when she's at work it uses the same IP address. However this address doesn't give her whereabouts like using a browser might, but instead just gives her ISP which happens to be her phone company. Nevertheless on three separate occasions when she was at work (as far as I know that's where she was) I've seen two other different IP addresses, again only giving her ISP being that she was accessing her mail through her phone. The time before, between and after these three occasions have been the same IP as before, therefore it doesn't seem like a dynamic IP. Even though these IPs only give me her ISP, is it possible that they are telling me that she may have been in a different location those times? How does this work? NO OFFENSE,BUT PLEASE RESPOND ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

I really appreciate any insight into this. Thanks.