Something that's been bothering me..need to vent!?


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Hm I don't necessarily agree with finding pleasure in killing something, but hey at least they are not poaching an endangered species.

And yeah if he shakes when pulling the trigger he's not a very good hunter.
Hunters are sick people, they are nutjobs, they are screwed up in the head.

It makes them feel big and tough to kill defenceless animals. They are cowards.
Here's my vent: I've always thought hunting was redneck/white trash. I've ALWAYS thought that and I just went vegetarian (now vegan) 2 years ago so it has nothing to do with my lifestyle. It just reminds me of camo and dirt covered trucks and chewing tobacco...all things I hate.

@Deer Hunter: Hunting...not the hunters. The ACT of hunting, I feel is white trash.

@Jayne: Again, I'm referring to the act of hunting. Not necessarily the people. See, I DO come from a town where the people who hunt all own trucks, drink, smoke, or chew, and are poor. This is my town. I hate my town. I don't visit that town anymore. I realize this doesn't describe hunters everywhere, but because the boys in my high school were all like Larry The Cable guy (as were their families), the image has been burned in my mind.

Also, I've read that hunting, in fact, increases the deer population because animals reproduce faster when they are being hunted.
Recently, me and a group of friends were talking and we got on the subject of hunting. Well, this one lady said that she heard that right when a hunter aims his gun to shoot a deer, he starts shaking in anticipation of the kill because they get a rush from it. This disgusts me! How can someone feel that way when getting ready to kill a helpless animal? I hate that I can't get it out of my head. Thanks for reading...I just felt the need to vent!
torxbit and deerhunter...I respect that you just do it for food. I totally get that. I'm glad that you two were among the people who responded. I don't judge since you do use them for food.
Your friend is full of shit, and has obviously never hunted in her life.

You need to calm yourself in order to shoot accurately. Shaking in anticipation of the kill due to a rush messes up your aim.
Wow.. white trash? Really? Open mouth and insert foot.

For you to look down on someone who hunts as means to get food is just.. I can't even describe it. You really make my skin crawl.
I hate it makes me so upset. Deer are some of the most cutest, and innocent animals. Unfortunately, I live near a lot of woods so there's a lot of people who have this as their sport; every time I go to my neighbors house, it always comes up how he killed some deer.

And the fact that even girls get into it disgusts me, and they will put pictures on their facebook of them skinning a deer...*sigh.* And what REALLY bugs me is that all these dang hunters are scaring the deer on to the streets where they are getting hit...
Well first of all about 99% of people that hunt do so legally and they also eat what they kill.

In my 41 years of life I have NEVER met anyone that is a so called (trophy hunter) (someone that kills just to put an animal on their wall)

I do hunt big whitetail bucks and I do mount some of the heads and put them on the wall. But I am going to kill a deer for food anyway, so I will kill a big whitetail buck. I get the food I want which is my main reason for hunting, and I also get the big trophy.

When I was younger I did get a little nervous before I shot a deer. It wasn't because I get a rush from killing animals, it was just because I was nervous. I didn't want to miss or make a bad shot and wound the animal.

I have NEVER met a hunter that likes the killing part and likes inflicting pain to animals. We hunters just believe in nature. And in nature animals die to feed other animals, and humans are also animals.

I'm sure there are a few bad hunters out there. But you can't label all hunters that way just because of a few bad apples.

There are crooked cops out there, are all cops crooked?
There are bad parents out there that abuse their children, are all parents bad?

Alisha, To think someone is a redneck/white trash because of one very small aspect of their life is very small mined of you. I feel sorry for you.
As with anything there is always the bad that goes with the good. Yes there are the unfortunate trophy hunters out there that shoot for sport, and to mount something on their wall, but would never dare eat game meat.

I do not hunt. I do however come from a family that hunts. I grew up where the meat we ate came from what my father and brother shot LEGALLY and in season on their own. It saved our family countless dollars which in turn gave us a more comfortable standard of living.

Alisha: Because I grew up eating Venison as opposed to beef and Grouse as opposed to chicken does not make me or my Family White Trash. My mother is a college educated woman who holds advanced degrees and is a reading and speech specialist. My father is a tradesman due to coming from a disadvantaged family but has ALWAYS worked an honest job to help support his family. Yes we own a truck, no it isn’t camo. We don’t live in the woods. My father averages 2 beers a week when grilling, and any other alcohol his drinks, its wine. He has never smoked a day in his life and thinks chewing is disgusting. My older brother and I are both college educated working members of society and neither of us live a “White Trash” life style.

Interesting fact: In many states with Whitetail populations if not monitored and controlled with hunting populations get out of hand quite easily. Deer are a major hazard to people driving, will crash through windows of homes if confused and do pose a risk. In Pennsylvania hunting season is about population control, stocking peoples freezer for winter and preventing drivers from being injured, suffering property damage, or being killed in an accident because an overpopulation of deer means more in the road.
People develop habits and things that they enjoy. It may seem odd to us but when someone has hunted their whole life they no longer think of animals as living things, but prey. they become cold to it.
i really don't see what the problem with hunting is (well except for those trophy hunters). I understand why vegetarians and vegans have a problem with eating domestic animals but I think they should get over hunting for food. What I hate is when someone will start talking about how hunting is mean but they themselves eat animals from factory farms. Its one thing when a vegetarian complains about hunting but its another thing when its from someone who eats meat that they don't care how it was raised. I would imagine a cat could get a rush before he kills mouse so its understandable if a human feels the same way before he kills a deer.