the consequence of being a virgin?


New member
Mar 1, 2008
im 22 yo and never kissed, dated or had a boyfriend. i have tried to stay away from boys and men as much as possible bc of the fact that i didnt want to have sex. now, i want to b in relationship with a man, but im so afraid of sex because i have been told to avoid it. all my life i have never masturbated, so i have no clue of what sex is. now i think im developing feelings for women because i tend to talk to them more than men. its really disturbing. plus, many men and women say im beautiful and i get a lot of attention from men, but my family looks down on me when i talk to men. they forbid me to talk to men. im becoming really frustrated with life and i feel very depressed and im losing interest in a lot of things i use to like. what is happening to me? i feel very sad
1. I'm very proud of you for not having sex. 2. Don't assume you're lesbian. I doubt that, stay away from it.If you're afraid of sex, there's NO reason to have yet. I don't see why people are in such a rush. Wait till marriage! Then you'll have the most satisfying sex there is, because you waited for that one man to give it up to, and not just some boyfriend. Seriously, wait, it'll be worth it.
ok sex isnt bad... but yuo shouldnt with some1 u couldnt picture spending ur life with...basically... if the relationship is good... he will wait for you to be ready.... its simple really...i hope this helped
i think, u wanna have a relationship but u scared enough if he wants more like sex.well, when a man like u and want to be ur boyfriend... u can talk to him dat no sex.wen he really loves u... no sex wont big matter for him. and he`ll more respect and treats u so nice.
You sound lost, confused. You are suppressing feeling that are natural. If you keeping doing this you are going to just be unhappy. Honestly Masturbate that should be your first step. You need to learn your body. You should masturbate it will help you know what feels good what makes you happy in bed. Start talking to guys flirt or try its ok guys love it. I did not have my fist real boyfriend till I had just turned 23. I lost my virginity to him. I waited a long time. I waited for different reasons. I always thought I would wait for the one I was going to marry. I also never wanted a Boyfriend because I was to busy moving around learning who I was and doing whatever the hell I wanted to. I also was a little scared of sex. Trust me it's not that scary your body knows what to do. You need to stop thinking so much about what your family thinks and do what you feel is right for you. Talk to your friends about sex. Don't run out and have sex with just anyone wait for the right guy. Explore your body that will help you feel a little better honestly. Every girl should get familiar with them self.
Don't feel ashamed for being afraid of sex. I don't know where you are from. But in my country 60% of the women are afraid of sex (including me). If your family doesn't allow you talk to men, may be you can start chatting with them through net. There you don't have to afraid of having sex also. And may be you can finally realize that you like guys as much as any other girls do. So you need not consider yourself a lesbian. Hope you'll over come your dipression soon. Good luck.
stop letting your family control you, get out and meet some men. take it slow, you will know when the right guy comes along. I dont think your lesbian, but, you could fall into the trap if you do not get out and get some releif soon.
Slow down, there is nothing wrong with you. It is just the way you have been brought up, Men are not ogres just out to have sex with you. You are developing feelings for women because that is all you know. Your parents sound as if they are trying to run your life for you, people say that you are beautiful because that is how they see you.. Don't feel sad you are not alone in this world, there are others very much like you, take care.
your not homom no waystuff your parents but just coz its a 1st time don't worry out there is the perfect man for youjust relax and don't act desparate
There is no consequence of being a virgin other than you can't get pregnant.There is no connection to this and lesbianism but it may be possible, I think you will know if you find men or women attractive (hormones come flooding in).It sounds more like you are suffering from family pressure, I'am presuming if its that strict you are connected to a religious culture, that doesn't condone such behaviour.Time for sex is when you are ready and thats it, as for denying yourself any pleasure, well masturbation isnt a crime, its a way of discovering your body and what gives you pleasure. When you are ready for sex it will be better to know whats going and what feels good to you. the rest is finding a balance of what you want and what the family want you to behave like. Its your life and you have to live it for you in your own way. Ok if you have religious constraints you have to find the balance between life where you live and how it integrates with the culture.Take time to think for yourself, you can have a life without being defiant.
you just need to wait untill u r comfortable with someone, whether it's a girl OR a guy. It will happen in you own time. If your family dont agree with your decisions, then sit down with them and explain how you feel to them. good luck.x.
First of all, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin at 22 and it's good that you havent thrown it away on someone who didnt deserve you. Not alot of young people have the ability to say no for fear of not fitting in so it's good that you have been able to. As for getting a man, you need to find someone who you have a connection with that goes beyond sex. Despite what people think, not all men try to get you into bed within the first 5 minutes. If you are both looking for more than that then they should be understanding about you wanting to wait. And if he doesnt, then maybe he's not for you after all and you should find someone else. Part of you being scared of meeting a man and having sex is you not being experienced physically. You said you have never masturbated but perhaps you should try it. I'm not suggesting a trip to Ann Summers but just identify manually which parts of you are sensitive and what you like. This will make you a little more confident about the physicalities! Talking to women more than men doesnt necessarily make you attracted to them, its just sometimes easier to get on with women. But, if you feel that you might be developing feelings for them then explore that a bit more. Could you seriously imagine yourself acting on those feelings?At 22, you are an adult so as much as your family may dislike you talking to men, they make up half of the population of the world so they're going to have to get used to it. Plus, what are you supposed to do? Remain single forever? It sounds harsh but you can do what you like. It's not like you're running to bed with every man you meet. They just need to know that you are capable of looking after yourself and that you are being sensible. Hope this helps
Pretty in pink I think you need to speak to a member of the clergy or to a counselor. Your an adult now and for your family to be asking what they are asking is wrong!! However I do believe that having sex outside of marriage is wrong. Speak to your family Dr. and tell him what you have said in your question. The answers to your questions are something that your mother or father should have sit down with you and answered a long time ago. You did not say if you have a job or not, if you do move out and into a apartment and get away from their adverse influence. Man and Woman were placed upon this earth for three reasons. ! was to keep God company, 2 was to keep each other company, 3 was to procreate (have children) ! Speak to God in prayer and ask him for his guidance! MAY GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU!
You have been brainwashed all of your life. Sex is enjoyable for both men and women. Masturbation is normal and not anything that is sinful. It is normal. You're so afraid of sex? How do you think you and I got here? Let me tell you something. Sex is fun and it feels good. I don't know who poisoned you. Do you think it is normal to have a physical relationship with a woman? Women and Men make a normal relationship because that is how babies get born. You have to start thinking for yourself and forget what everybody else has told you. Follow what your heart tells you and forget everything else. Follow your feelings. Sex is a beautiful thing between a man and a woman.
You are a 22 year old woman - consequently, the decision you make concerning who, what, where, when and why is YOUR business. No one Else's. There is nothing wrong with sex!!! It is a God given gift we all possess and the only other specie who can actually 'make love', is, believe it or not, the dolphin. I've often wondered why God made it that way but, He did. Its there to enjoy - Its life giving a part of yourself to another. Girl, stick with the men! I feel sure your parents would much prefer you choose the opposite sex than to end up being gay - But, that, too, is your decision - - There's nothing wrong with that either - - - IF that's your choice. But one way or the other, don't panic! You are 'of age' and can do as you please. I suggest 'a place of your own' - - - At least that's a beginning ! Good luck - I know you'll make the right choice!!!!!