Pre-marital sex. What if...?


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Many people want to wait until marriage to have sexual relations with their partner. I can understand this and am happy for all the people with the willpower to do so.However, what happens for the people who DO wait, get married and then find out that their partner happens to be a worse performer than a leather couch. What do you do in that case? I mean, love does play a big factor, but wouldnt it be hard to be in a marriage with a horrible horrible sex life? Could you look past this?Nobody likes to buy a car without a test drive, thats what I always say.
Yeah. That would just suck. No matter how much you love someone... if the sex is bad, it's bad. No way of getting around that.
Interesting idea. HOWEVER, if your new spouse is the only "leather couch" you have ever sat on, then you would not have any other experience with which to compare, hence you would not know that they are a poor performer.
I'm with you on that one. But if someone was a virgin and then got married to this person who sucks so badly in bed would they even know that their partner sucked, seeing as how they have never had sex to begin with.
Whatever trevor, it's only a choice, no need to take it too seriously and yes I could easily have a real relationship/marrage that involved no or poor sex, it's really not that important.
the idea of waiting is not just for the bride its for both and if you do wait sex will be a shocking surprise for both of you . sex is not the greatest feeling in the world the first time for a lady and a guy who isnt experienced isnt gonna care so much about quality .if you both wait and learn and experiment together for the first time and keep on practicing you will learn things about each other nobody else knows it is a special shared secret that only the two of you know about each other.if you dont wait until marriage you run the risk of possibly breaking up over any given thing and then someone else will know the secret eventually that nobody else should know