Knee Swelling-Cant Bend It All The Way??



I hurt my knee when i was in basketball practice. I was on my last suicide and when i stretched out my leg to touch the line my knee felt a bit tight. After that i took i jumpshot and right when i jumped i felt something wrong with my knee and when landed my knee was hurting a lot..though it wasnt my landing that hurted it was when i jumped off the floor...i started walking it got swollen and i would walk with a limp for about 2 weeks.. and its been about 5 months and i still cant bend my knee all the way and time to time when i keep my knee bent for a while and then stand it still hurts and still swollen.. whats wrong with my knee...p.s i cant still run jump but my ability to jump as before has changed due to limits of my knee
Go to the doctor. No one here can tell you what is exactly wrong. Did you put ice on it? Helps with swelling and inflammation. Please, so see a doc. They can help you the best at this point.
PCL strain or tear or maybe a torn cartilage. Consult the trainer or sports medicine doctor. Have the knee drained. Get some x-rays and then an MRI for more thorough evaluation. And most important of all rest it.
The first thing you need to do is get off your feet and quit with the basketball for a while. You probably over stretched your leg muscles that also surround the knee. A torn ligament is possible, but the only way you'll know that is go to the Doctor and have an MRI taken of that knee. It will show exactly what the problem is and go from there. But one thing I know for sure, if you have an injury, you are only making whatever the problem is worse by continuing to run and jump. Get off it and rest it. The swelling is fluid that has built up around the injury. One way of getting that swelling down, there are probably lots of other ways, but lay on the floor and elevate your leg to the cushion of a chair or couch. Have someone apply hot moist heat several times to your knee and that swelling will go down. Just have them soak a towel in HOT water, ring it out and apply. Once you get that swelling down, the knee will feel much better. But you should have it checked out. If you do have a torn ligament, you're only making it bigger by continuing what you are doing. Good luck to you young man.
if in fact u did injure a ligament(sounds like it) u should have seen a doc five months... but since u didnt it wouldnt hur to go now... it sounds as though either the ligament is still damaged or u have redamaged it... an MRI isnt a bad idea...i would suggest that u make the appointment asap because if in fact u do have an injured ligament the more u stress it... it will eventually give on u and then u will be wishing that u would have gotten it checked out before of luck... GO GET UR KNEE LOOKED AT