If there were no basketball, what would tall, illiterate guys do for a living?



If there were no basketball, what would tall, illiterate guys do for a living?
Oh my god I love you. I ask this question of my boyfriend all the time. Probably never graduate high school because there would be no free pass and work at a fast food joint! haha you're amazing.
School janitors, so they could get balls down from trees. There was one at my primary school.
hhmm if it really is a fact that basketball players are illiterate (im sure u checked it out thoroughly and are basing ur question on extensive surveys), basketball is their passion. if they are any good, that means they have put in many many hours on the court. if there was no basketball, they would have spent more time studying.
They can be my bodyguard :)) Tall guys can easily frighten anyone by the use of their height. I'll hire them all! :))
They'll end up running for the presidencyOhh I'm so sorry, you mean illiterate? I thought it's litterate. We'll they'll probably end up Mayors or Governors or something
flight attendants - to help you stow your baggage freaks in a circuspretend treesany job that involves scaring other people with their freakishly large height