Do you see the Humor in George Bush's $600 per citizen Stimulus Package?


New member
Mar 21, 2008
As you may have heard the Bush Administration said each one of us would now get a nice rebate to help stimulate the economy.If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs, and neither will help the American economy.We need to keep that money here in America, so the only way to keep that money here at home is to buy beer or spend it on prostitution, since those are the only businesses still in the U.S.How you rate these comments?
Hey, we already knew he wasn't a good business man. He made every company he got his hands on go under. He should be giving Americans gold, at least that's worth something. The dollar doesn't go as far as it used to, and some countries aren't even accepting American dollars anymore.
I don't know how id rate it but I would for sure say that's an interesting way of thinking....never thought of it that way.
OOH that money will help...not!!! There is almost no such thing as the American economy anymore. Its just a place to sell things from other economies. The things that are truly american cost more than $600 these days.
I intend to pay down my credit debt. I have already bought stuff I needed. Too little, too late.
That is what the governor of N.Y. did and they ran him out of office when all he wanted to do was be a good American.
I see no humor here about Bushs package. You are right on how to spend it if we want to keep the money here. I am 67, married, live 0n SS and 170 a month work pension and am getting back 600 total for the both of us, not 600 a piece. Health insurance went up for my wife by 1200 bucks this year. HMM, bet I am forced to spend it on insurance. I see no humor here but think his plan is a joke and will do nothing but try to persuade foolish voters to think the Republican party is going to help them.
this is about politics, not ecconomics.its the same reason we are bailing out bear sterns, bailing out foreclosures, and not letting people learn.By not letting the National Reserve take care of it, we are no discouraging reckless spending in the future. banks and peole will still take risks and spend money they don't have
So first the government steals my money (taxes = theft), then they give part of it back and want me to be grateful?No that won't happen.I like your suggestions of beer and that other thing. I shall do that.
only between 13% and 15% of US Oil comes from the "Arabs" I am including all Middle eastern countries in the those figures.US produces 42% of its own oil.Buy food. Easy to find American grown foods.