The girls don't notice?


Feb 12, 2008
Quite a few of the girls in my year call me their friends, I've been known to be extremely trust-worthy and I'm usually the most comic person in my year. Yet the girls think of it as ridiculous to be attracted to me?Well, some girls have liked me (they admitted) and no, I really wouldn't define myself as ugly. Some girls even blush when I'm in their presence!I'm not close to the girls. But I have had some gal-friends for a couple of years. Good investment, in a way of speaking... ;)It doesn't take me much to make them laugh. I can get them going by saying something as simple as 'armadillo'. Is that my actual 'problem' ?
Thrust at them.use this pick-up line,"If you make a sound.. I'll stick this penis in you!"It's sure to work!Good luck!;D
You may not be attractive. I am not trying to be mean, but it is possible...
Give them time and they will take you seriuosly. Being that way is a choice for a girl..
Those girls like you as somebody to talk to and make them laugh. Somebody to have fun with.But I'm sure some girl who you don't realize always looks at you and thinks about talking to you.... keep your eyes open all the way!!
thats dumb of them. Because u sound like u would be alot of fun and not all serious like othere guys are. maybe u r lookin at the wrong gals.
i dont know if this is the case(and i absolutely mean no disrespect) but although being around funny people makes you laugh, sometimes girls dont want to date a "clown"
that's probally because most girls like me are attracted to badboys. Plus it would be really akward to date a friend maybe trying looking for a new girl.
If you put yourself out there to be the 'guy friend' to all the girls then that's all you're ever going to be. If you're really serious then I would take some of your closer female friends aside and ask them why girls aren't attracted to you. Girls are usually more certain then men about what they want in a guy. And as your friends they shouldn't have a problem helping you out and giving you some ways you can get out of this 'guy friend' phrase and find a girl who really cares about you.Good luck.
Show one girl, or a few girls special attention.. Ask for numbers, make special plans, or say "I saw this ((______++ & thought of you " Show that you are thinking of her. You are in the friend area... you want out? Show how good you can be. Even buying a girl her favorite candy bc she said she wanted it shows that you are sweet & sincere & interested
u need to find or date someone does not know u that well..but looks at u attractively...then gets to know u.
I am sorry . You know, some girls think that humor is attractive, yet sexy. I would totally date you if that helps.
It might be that you are joking around to much so the girls don't take you seriously. When you find the right girl flirt with her and let her know how you feel.
Maybe your to much of a friend to them. Give them some reason to like you. Like, Maybe go to the gym, and work out, or make one of them wonder about you. Girls are weird and I am not afraid to say it. I am one, so I know. If your to much like them, and do the same things, they are not going to like you. You will be always just a good friend or a brother type figure to them. Be manly, and pretty hard core, for instance, in the animal instincts, a female wants a protector, a provider, and someone they can trust, and a cuddle, its pretty confusing, but you can do it.