not in my truck? I have a 2003 Chevy Impala, it is not supposed to have navigation, or any satellite communications. I did buy it second hand so I am only partially sure of the above information. It does have a amplifier/antenna booster that may have capabilities for navigation, but that is not yet confirmed.

My problem is that I am having problems with my eye going blind after I have driven the car and the laser detector in my car is activated when that happens. I also usually end up with a cold sore if the laser goes off for any length of time.

At first I noticed the laser mainly going off after I would turn a corner, but recently it just kept going off and know I have come down with a case of shingles (which can be brought on, like a cold sore, from light).

I really don't know what to do. I know the detector doesn't go off in my truck when I drive it around but if I put the truck next to the car the detector will read the laser from the car next to it.

The laser detector reads `905nm +/-15 according to the manufacturer.

Any assistance is appreciated, I cannot afford a new car and I cannot afford to drive something that makes me sick.