cellphone: UC1, 6UC1 or 6UV1???? please tell me wat that is? iv been...


New member
Jun 11, 2008
...trying to reach someone :( please help? i was just talking to someone last night and randomly the cell phone closed.. i kept dialing but rings were going and no answer... she has koodo... and i know they suck.... but this morning when i call it says UV1.. number not in service.. 6UV1 number not in service..... pleaseeeee tell me what that means :'( this is an emergency and i really need to reach her....please help.
6QV1, Number not in service

This message typically indicates that a phone-line has been temporarily disabled due to a low account balance, or overdue payment.
A friend of mine has been texting me all morning, and I can't reply due to the same reason. I have no problem texting anyone else and there's no problem receiving his messages.