Obama takes his family on vacation for Muhammed's Birthday?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Obama and family skipped out of the US just in time to observe Muhammad's birthday. Perhaps he never did hear all these hateful speeches and just picked the wrong church as a cover? He did say on CNN he is keeping the kids inside to pray.http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0760942.html
OMG! That's absurd!! Obama is a LYING POS and should have his citizenship revoked. He's not only an empty suit but evil as well. Poor fools who voted for him.
wow...what a coincidence huh?...what a guy...celebrating his mentors b day without anyone knowing ...
Damn! I didn't know that. I thought he was getting his tan touched up so he don't look like an Oreo when he goes to da 'hood to talk to some real brothers.
How does it feel, bearing false witness against someone like that? Hope you are enjoying yourself and think its funny...
No it's because the Vernal Equinox was March 20 and he is a secret pagan. He went to the Virgin Islands for the annual human sacrifice (of a Virgin of Course) and Rites of Spring.Now of course I just made this up, just like you made up your "question".
I don't usually observe mohadjibabba's birthday. Maybe I'll have a Felafel for dinner.As a typical white I enjoy diversity. Chinese Food, Mexican Food, Pizza, Sorry no Canadian Bacon a guy has to have limits.