Why isn't Taco Bell illegal? It's made by dangerous Mexicans.....?

The only thing that's dangerous about Taco Bell is their ridiculously low prices. I swear I was in a state of shock the last time I went there to eat.
mexicans are not dangerous. mexicans makes delicious snack, the taco. and they fix my garden. but they do steal cheap stuff.
taco bell is fucking tasty. and drive thru's open til 4, so when i get back from the bars, i can still get something to eat.
I'm Mexican and I've never eaten there.

But I'm American influenced, so I don't count I guess.

btw, taco bell along with every other unsanitary food chain restaurant should be illegal. Read Fast Food Nation.
I hate how you always ask racist questions and give racist answers, it's been overrated for awhile now.