Bigger gaffe - Obama trying to support his minister's rantings OR Clinton lying



about her Bosnia trip? Which is the bigger mistake - supporting a racist and unpatriotic minister, or just plain lying about coming "under fire" on a trip to Bosnia?
To answer your question;

Obama, hands down. Cannot explain a 20 year friendship to a racist pastor by stating "I did not hear it."
That Pastor racism inspired church could produce a Pres which could destroy America!
The other one is just a bedtime story!
Obama had ended his chances of being elected president. Hillary is already known as a habitual liar, so what she did was entirely expected. Obama wins hands down. Look the dude had to leave the country it was so bad.
In a sane world, both would have been exposed as the lying socialist cowards they are. Unable to hide behind a veil of smoke and mirrors any longer, both would be laughed off the stage.
In this world, neither humiliation seems to bother them.
Sad. No, pathetic is a better word. Why are these proven unworthies still on the scene?