What should be added to the next Xbox?

Mar 5, 2008
I think they should stop making "elite" type consoles and do the 720. Here are some of the things I think.(yes it is a lot like the PS3)1.LESS RROD(obviouslly)2.built in wireless3.blu-raydisc4.actual HD. Most games HD is just an enchaned picture.5.internet accsess(like the PSP)Thats all I can think of right now.I'm not saying that all games are low qaulity HD, just a lot.
1. reliability (by reliability i mean dies after i do)2. built-in wireless3. blu-ray4. web browser5. free xbox live (if possible, but if not, it's still worth to pay)6. more microsoft points per dollar or just cheaper marketplace dowloads7. quality-tested design and engineering to insure a product that will last until the next-generation comes out8. initial affordability
blu ray???? the 360 is a gaming machine not a movie player. it doesn't need bluray. so you are saying games are not "HD". 360 games display at 1080p. PS3 games display at 720p MAX. tell me who needs the real "HD" games?
All XBOX 360 games are 720p. 720p IS HD. It should be silent, they should use Nintendo's disc tech, internal wireless, reliable, and have a long life span.