How can I restore my relationship after an argument?


May 21, 2008
My boyfriend had bought me something, one of the first things he's bought me in the 7 months we've been together. I told him that I wanted to give him something in return, since I can't get a job and can't afford anything like he can. He said "I'm sorry, I really am, but why does it mean so much to you to have to return the favour? Can't I just be nice to you?" So I agreed and said, "Yeah, sorry" and suddenly he got angry. He was saying he wanted to punch himself in the face and that he felt stupid for asking, and I told him it was fine, that there was no reason to feel that way. But he just said he knew he shouldn't have gotten out of bed.
So when I said bye to him, he was just like "Later" and left. I don't know what to say to him next time we speak, because things were going so well between us.

Thanks for even reading this long complaint, lol.
stay single its better
when will people learn that nothing good ever comes out of love and relationships