Interesting Topics to Teach a Kid?


New member
Aug 31, 2010
I'm fourteen got a job teaching a kid (seven years old, kinda smart for his age) interesting topics that are supposed to make him think. It can be about anything (government, math etc) but I'm pretty much out of ideas. The lesson is one hour long, twice a week. I dont want to loose this job, but I need a topic that wont make the kid want to kill himself rather than listen to it. Any ideas about a good topic?
Cheers and thanks for taking the time to read (and hopefully answer) this question.
The other answers are good, especially the one about getting out and about, but the kid is seven, and as you say, smart. Why not ask him? He may have some interests that you could investigate.
He'll start to think a lot more if he's not spoon fed. Think also about hands-on things you could get into. Cooking, building stuff (like a go-kart or a bird feeder) making inventions, etc. You two could research the project, go out and
buy the materials for it, and then create something. You both might learn things.
When I was seven I had different interests than most kids.

Witches, ghosts, serial killers and art. No joke.

I agree with the person who suggested you ask what he would like to learn.