A newbie. Need help with asp.net.?


New member
Jul 10, 2009
1) I have three (3) drop down lists on my Web Form. On Page_Load, I populate the first two (2) lists with data from my database. The third list I populate with numbers 1-12 using for-loop. Now, next to each list is a link that opens to an input box (this inserts new data to my database; each drop down list goes to separate tables). Now, I input new data for my first drop down. After inputting, I want that data to come out as my DropdownList1.Text and stay that way. However, the numbers 1-12 on my DropdownList3 has become duplicated. Next, I input new data for my DropdownList2. After inputting, the page loads again and the text on my DropdownList1 goes back to default. And my DropdownList3's 1-12 now triples. Please help. I've tried Response.Redirect("default.aspx") but all it did was prevent my DropdownList3 from duplicating. I need to have the newly inserted item to stay as my DropdownList.Text until I save everything (see item 2).
2. There's a Save button for all those drop down lists that inserts all my selected drop down list.items to another table. I can't seem to insert. Here's my code:

sqlcom.CommandText = "Insert into classsched(class,name,course,year,subject,date,timefrom,timeto,roomno) values('" + dropsection.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + dropname.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + dropcourse.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + dropyear.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + dropsubject.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + txtdate.Text + "','" + timefr + "','" + timet + "','" + droproom.SelectedItem.Text + "')"
sqlcom.Connection = sqlcon

All the DropdownList.SelectedItem.Text do not insert. What's inserted instead is always the first item from each drop down list.

Appreciate any help.