Obscure 80's Sci-fi movie.. what the heck is its name?!?!?


New member
Jun 23, 2008
I can't remember the name of the movie for the life of me, but it is from the 80's. I remember basically that the world population disappears except for a few ( I think three) who happened to be in the process of being murdered. Since everyone disappeared except those being attacked, they lived and somehow met up with one another. I remember one woman, a black man, and a white man.. Other than that.. Does that movie sound familiar AT ALL to anyone? I believe the poster to it had a picture of a ringed planet or something.

Dunno why I am asking. Im just a movie buff, saw every 80's movie ever but can't remember this one!
YOU ROCK!! Thanks a bunch! Didnt expect an answer so darn quickly!
If I knew how to choose best answer Mystic... I would.. I dont know how!