Is it probable to quit smoking cigs by smoking weed instead for a couple days?


May 14, 2008
So my friend who lives in Amsterdam is addicted to smoking cigarettes. I told him since it was a good idea to ease off of cigarettes and smoke weed for a couple of days to get his mind off of it so he can actually smoke something in the mean time (which is not psychically addictive). He smokes weed about every other week or so. Since I live in Germany, I will be visiting him up there to help him with his addiction. Since weed is perfectly legal over there, we will be smoking together up there and will be doing various activities in the meanwhile to to keep him busy. What do you think of this technique? Its the only way I can get him to quit smoking.
LMAO! you know weed is addicting too right? Yes, it's one way to make him quit smoking but in other way, he will start being addictive to weed!
can you? yes, but should you? no. why? because the act of smoking is still the same. I am about 7 months in to my tobacco quit, and the first 2 months I did not touch weed.