Lesbians, what is the best thing to do here?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Ok, so me and this other lesbian have been friends for w hile, and I like her, and I am pretty sure she likes me back. Well usually when i text her, she responds fairly quickly. But every once in a great while, she wont respond. Then ill wait a while and text her again, and she will. But once when I didn't respond, she freaked out and told me how worried she was, etc. So this is the second time she's not responded, and last time I went into that whole "I was worried" spiel too. Because I was. I am starting to think that maybe she does this so that I will keep trying to contact her. If this is the case what would you do? I am this time just waiting for her instead of trying to get her attention again. Does that sound like a good way of doing it? (If assuming she is playing hard to get) Or should I try to contact her again. What will make her more attracted, is bascially what I am asking. And yes I know this probably sounds like a stupid rediculous question. Lol. We just seem to like playing games back and forth a lot.