Should I get the LG eXpo?


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I am a teen and I want a new phone. Right now I have the Pantech Matrix, and I like it, but I'm getting a little bored with it, and its just not as great as when I first got it. I want a smart phone that preferably has a touch screen. I HATE flip phones and i want a qwerty keyboard. I want a camera that can zoom and have flash, and the Pantech Matrix has neither of those. I found the HTC Tilt 2, but I read a bunch of reviews and they weren't very good. I found the LG eXpo, and I thought it was great! It had everything that I want in a phone, but was very expensive, and also, was a business phone, and I wasn't sure if I should get it. Would I not like it? Is there any other phones you could suggest for me?