Where were all the Libs now complaining about a illegal alien shooting when...


New member
Sep 17, 2008
...an AZ rancher was shot and killed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Or-TG8Fff4
An Arizona rancher who was a fixture in the community was brutally murdered by an alleged illegal immigrant on Saturday night. The Arizona/Mexico border rancher, Robert Krentz met a cruel end after he went out in the middle of the night to investigate strange noises.

The assassin killed Krentz and his dog before scampering across the Mexican border, according to authorities on the scene.
I think what bothers me the most about this was the shooting of his dog. That made it first degree.

The illegal alien shot was throwing rocks and involved in an illegal activity.....
Since The Arizona rancher was a white land owner they did not care...one less white rich guy in the world...

But let a little thug stoning the U.S. Border Patrol be killed oh my goodness Eric Holder to the rescue of the little drug smuggling wannabe thug terrorist from growing up to be an adult with the same behavior he demonstrated as a teen kill Americans with whatever I can get my hands on to do so.....
Hate crimes cannot be committed against white people. Only white people can commit hate crimes against anybody else
A tragic and senseless crime. And hopefully the perp will be found and brought to justice. So if this crime warrants your hatred of all Hispanics, particularly ones that have legally or even illegally immigrated to the US then it stands to reason that since almost all of the recent child abduction cases have been committed by white males that you must want punishment for all white males?
That logic is no more flawed than your own.