How long should I wait till we give our newborn rice cereal?



Our docter says to wait till six months but our family says we could start now at 4 weeks.My wife is breast feeding so I am not sure how we would do his with only giving him a bottle once a week, or so.
when you newborn is no longer getting full off 1 bottle add a little cereal at a time to thicken the bottle. ( It really is diffrent with every baby
The standard answers these days is around 6 months based off of newer studies on newborn's digestive tracks. A lot of different resources also agree on a few key signs to watch for though :- can the baby sit up on her own (this will also help signal when the baby should have a well enough developed swallowing capability where her tongue can push back the food)- does the baby show a lot of interest in you eatting food- is the baby over 14 pounds.i'm also a new mom and have looked a lot into this question. there is a lot of peer/familial pressure to start babies earlier since it was a common practice before (you probably were started on rice cereal early). also - if you're hoping it will get your baby to sleep through the night - studies have shown that this is not really true and i can attest for from my own baby - that this did not help him sleep through the of luck!