can i feed my 3 month old infant rice cereal?

Well, you can put it in the bottle, but actual spoon-feeding would most likely be counter-productive, becuase of the tongue-thrust reflex. You should probably discuss it with your pediatrician first, though. Unless it's indicated to help with reflux, it's best to wait until 4-6 months.
it's best to wait until 4-5 months old. Now doctors are saying it's best to start with oatmeal instead because it's easier on the tummy. when you do start, mix about 1 tbsp of cereal and mix in breaskmilk or formula- make it really runny and feed baby lying at an angle with a spoon. because of the tongue thrust reflex, baby might have more on face than in mouth, but stick to it you AND baby will get used to it. try to feed between the last 2 bottles before bed
I started my baby on cereal at like 6 weeks. You only need to put alittle bit in the bottle like a half of spoon full. I only did it at night to help him sleep alittle longer thru the night. But if you put to much it will constipate the baby. So don't use that much.
At 3 1/2 mos, I was told (by my son's pediatrician) to start feeding my son rice cereal, but to NEVER put it in a bottle.
You're the mom, you 'can' do whatever you feel is right. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting 6-9 months before introducing solid foods. There's no biological reason to give a baby that young sollids, in that they are limited in their ability to digest it. Often with babies you'll see that the food 'goes right through' them, fully intact. Their gut is still developing it's ability to digest foods in the first year, and introducing solids too soon can cause lead to significant issues, especially if you're breastfeeding, or if your family is prone to allergies. What would be the benefit to offer the baby something it's not physically able to truly digest yet? Good luck with your decision, you're the only one who can truly make it! If you decide to offer the cereal and change your mind later, there's no reason why you can't just stop giving it, and you can always wait a little longer and offer it when your baby is a little more developmentally ready for it. Good luck!