Did i prove my point? lol..i must have proven my point that we are indeed...


New member
Apr 30, 2010
...a Christian Nation didn't I? Why else would a group of progressives and YA delete my question? Do i smell fear?

Let your ends come from your own mouths....
Maybe people reported you because you were endlessly discussing fairy tales in the politics section.
A nation that is over 80% christian, founded by nearly all who were christian, most traditions are christian, and most principals and laws are christian influenced is a safe bet of it being a christian nation.
Well, you sure do exhibit the self-righteousness of a Christian, but alas, you are still wrong (that includes your blatant logical fallacies)
There are Judeo-Christian roots in the foundations of America. We pulled things from the Romans, and the Christians, etc put them all into a nice little melting pot and created the most ideal government. We have one of the longest standing governments.