We hunt and eat animals. Doesnt this make it okay to test on animals?

Two different things.

And for all the people saying how horrible it is to test on animals. Yes, its an awful thing. But would you rather they not test it on a small rat and then have it hurt a person who bought the product, when it could have been avoided if it had hurt the rat instead?
Some things in life are unfortunately necessary for the well-being of humans.
eating them is the circle of life,animals eat animals to, but givin em cancer or poisonous make-up slowly kills them, and then we cant eat them. They die young and cant be eaten, but its also wrong to kill baby animals to eat them, before they live life (not adult animals im cool with that, i couldnt kill an animal, but eat cows and pigs)
1. Animal testing is extremely cruel, its never okay.

2. Im a vegetarian.
Yes we hunt them and eat them, but we don't torture them. We kill them quickly so as not to cause them pain. People who test make-up, drugs, and medicine on animals do so so that any nasty side effects are shown on the animal and not in a human. It is cruel and often uncomfortable, painful, or even deadly for the animals. Would you like to be put through testing? By law of nature and science you are an animal and could be tested on. Would you rather die quickly because you were hunted, or die a slow and painful death because some guy in a white lab coat shoved an unsafe pill down your throat?
no testing on animals is cruel it is like torturing them! killin them is quick and painless totally different