Few more answers please before I go to sleep? Need guys' input on signs of interest


Jul 3, 2008
or just being nice? Is this is how a guy acts when interested or will a guy me nicer to a one NICE girl because she's simply nice?
He's not a flirt and is more of an introvert. The first thing I noticed about him was that he looked at me a lot with a serious expression when I wasn't looking. Then he started being extra nice to me and more patient with me and his eyes lit up when he saw me or when I approached him. (others have commented on this fact too since he's not very talkative or outgoing with girls). I've noticed he stands near me a lot and sits near me in the library, always facing me, but does not say anything unless I do first. When I asked him for help on a math problem, he not only helped me with that, he showed me extra features on my calculator and extra websites to help me out with similar problems.. He doesn't help other girls like this but I've heard he thinks they're shallow. he doesn't know me very well. if interested, he wouldn't flirt in front of the other girls because they'd gossip because he's quiet and it would stand out.

Is he simply being nice because she's a nice girl?
What are signs of interest to look for