refund - Will Amazon give me a refund on a Toshiba HD DVD player...



...I purchased in January? I opened the player and have been using it. The website says it will give partial refunds after 30 days, but I have no idea what partial would mean. Does anyone have any experiencing with refunds with Amazon after 30 days. I'm also looking for any ideas for getting a refund on this and using the money to get a blu ray player.
I had something to return their past the 30 days and they said that they take 20% off as a restocking fee! I thought that was ridiculous so sold it on Ebay instead. The % might vary though depending on the product, so you should probably call them. Also, you need all of the packaging and everything.
don't count on it.

even in 30 days, they will only give you half the money back basically
they have that a-z return thing. I got dvds that didnt work and I couldnt get the seller to write me back so amazon had me do that and I got a full refund within a week. You can call amazon too and explain the situation. Good luck.