Is it ok if I'm taking GNC Pro Performance AMP, Amplified Wheybolic Extreme


New member
Mar 7, 2010
60, for baseball.? I'm trying out for baseball and I'm considering trying out for catcher. I'm a junior and I'm 5,6 and i weight 122. I'm trying to get bigger for the position. i don't have time to go to the gym. If i take GNC Pro Performance AMP, will it help me get bigger and stronger? Any suggestion and/or idea will me appreciated.
Okay, im sorry to have to break this to you,
But Amp extreme 60 is only a supplement. Muscle is built when the fiber gets ripped on the cellular level, your body realizes this and fixes it up with protein. In the process of fixing it up, it overdoes it a little, this is where the muscle growth happens. All AMP WHEYBOLIC EXTREME 60 does it give your body plenty of protein to rebuild. If you just take AMP EXTREME 60 and not work out, then the protein will have nothing to fix, therefore your muscle will not get bigger. Simply put, MAN UP AND GO TO THE GYM. Dont give yourself excuses, buy this protein shake, and then do 8x8 pushups, 8x8 squats, 8x8 curl ups and 8x8 whatever else you can think of. You dont even need a gym to get big, use your house.