From an American point of view, how funny do you find British humor?


Jul 3, 2008
examples: cast members, collectively and individually, of TV shows like monty python and benny hill, and movies like shaun of the dead
It's really difficult to say because all of America wont think the same way about British humor. From what I've noticed, I find British humor a little more witty...
I like it. Some of my faves are the Monty Python movies, Fawlty Towers, This Is Spinal Tap and there was a British show a few years ago about a guy who managed a health club (really funny)

The British 'Office is pretty funny, too.
I personally love most of the british humor that I have seen. I love monty python and shaun of the dead and death at a funeral. I think that the british are way funnier than americans!