Why does my math teacher argue with me?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
A long time ago I did a math test with the last task having to be fully written (with solution and all). When the teacher gave us the tests back I was surprised that I didn't have an A! When I got back home and I looked at the corrections more carefully all I understood was that he just didn't like my way of doing the task and preferred a shorter way of writing it ALTHOUGH IT STILL HAD A CORRECT ANSWER! He wrote me a B+ just for that!
Now we made another test, again having to write the full solution to the final task. When I checked in the school website I wasn't in the list of A's! I got really upset, and I'm sure that he is probably going to write me a B+ AGAIN, for the same reason! On top of all, my parents are teachers too! If i try to tell them my theory of why I should get an A on that test they would always say "I'm pretty sure you did something wrong, just go ask the teacher - he should tell you why..."
All you can do is approach the teacher yourself. If you feel he still has no case, approach the principal.
Don't argue. Just kindly approached you teacher and ask him what you should do to get "A" or better still "A+". Then try to follow it and if by next time time you didn't get what you want, in spite that all what he said had been carefully followed, then it is your time to "argue".