stupid relationships make great relationships?


New member
Nov 21, 2008
so its my first year in high school and im likin this girl. i want to be in a relationship with her but there are a couple things stopping me. one, should i really go for a relationship if i know that im young and should keep my options open thus being my first year in high school that i should just play it? two, someone also told me that i should go for it because if i dont have any young naive relationships, ill be less likely to have a strong one when im older. its been on my mind for at least the past 2 weeks. what do i do??? any tips on this?\
BTW: i really really like this girl but its only my first year in high school and if i go for the relationship i dont want to break our friendship if i end up hurting her or something. im already pretty good friends with her and if i have a feeling if i go for a relationship with her and it really is one of those stupid naive young relationships that ppl go through that i will no longer be good friends with her.