Who agrees with the media, about banning any

If you don't like christmas ignore it. In the US majority should rule don't ruin everything just because a few people don't like it.
Lots of people, I imagine. A TV station or network is in business usually to sell ads. It would be bad business for one to turn away revenue because they're afraid of "offending" a self-hateful and vocal minority.If I decide that hitting myself on the head with a hammer is offensive to me, I would stop doing it. I wouldn't start a campaign to ban hammers.It’s a matter of control and maturity.
It does not sound likely that the media would ban Christmassy commercials from TV for reasons beyond the loss of revenue. Such a ban would infringe on freedom of the press, freedom of speach and freedom of religion. The current Christmas issue is one regarding separation of church and state. That really is impossible, unless a law is passed making it legal that all government leaders and employees must be atheists, not very likely.It is understood that office holders and employees are free to practice their own religion; and hopefully they will bring a sense of heightened ethics to their jobs. The problem arises if any government official favors one religion over another through formal laws and regulations that would infringe on freedom of religion.The debate is where to draw the line. Our forefathers were almost without exception deeply devoted to their own religion but passed laws allowing everyone to practice (or not practice) the religion of their own choice. Perhaps that should be taught in schools so that we never forget it.