Why is barely anyone reporting that toyota announced that they are closing a


New member
Jan 3, 2009
plant in california? and are laying of 40,000

tha't right, 40,000 in fremont, california.
that's what it says in the sunday oregonian, 40,000
This happened a bit ago, most Californians don't even know themselves, most of the jobs are moving out of the country, some are going over to more stable states in the midwest.
The plant employs 4700. The Detroit Free Press also stuck an extra zero onto the number, so 40,000 is wrong, but 4700 is bad enough. The state legislature is scrambling to incentivize Toyota to keep the plant. We'll see if it works.

Only because they are moving to Mexico so they are not paying taxes on the goods they produce. That's why a majority of companies are moving away from the U.S. It's cheaper to produce a product in a different company and ship it here than to pay the high taxes on their factories here.
We've known about the closing (possible and actual) for quite some time now, about eight months.

It's because GM pulled out of the 50/50 partnership deal with Toyota at the NUMMI plant.

But your numbers are WAY off. It's not 40,000, it's 4,600. Still not a good number, but not as catastrophic as you make it out to be.

Edit: Stephen, they're not moving to Mexico. They're moving the production to San Antonio, Texas and Ontario, Canada.
We've known about the closing (possible and actual) for quite some time now, about eight months.

It's because GM pulled out of the 50/50 partnership deal with Toyota at the NUMMI plant.

But your numbers are WAY off. It's not 40,000, it's 4,600. Still not a good number, but not as catastrophic as you make it out to be.

Edit: Stephen, they're not moving to Mexico. They're moving the production to San Antonio, Texas and Ontario, Canada.
because cali is a liberally ran state and the media supports liberalism since 87% of the media is made up of registered libs. they hate to expose themselves, and there states, as failures
The NY Times ran a mention of it on August 28 saying 4,700 UAW workers will lose their jobs in March 2010, some to transfer to Ohio. The reason given because of GM reductions..GM owns a joint venture with Toyota.
Because the Media is Liberal bias and Obama probably told them to not report it, cause he did not get to bail them out and take over it like he did others. Because Obama is suppose to have had all them shovel ready jobs ready to go and didn't, he lied. Besides he does not want any one to know that even more people have lost their jobs because of his idiot style leadership.
Shhh. The Democrat/Liberal controlled media do not want that out. Lie and say everything is going fine. Change that to Toyota is hiring 40,000 workers because the auto industry bail outs worked!
I think it was announced a few weeks ago. Also its bad news, so we dont report that when a dem is in office.
Please post a source so these dems don't hammer you.

You liberals fallow this link Billy would never lie.

I got your back!