romeo and juliet essay ? 12 points no joke 12 points to best answer?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
i dont get any of it. can you tell me what im ment to do please :) i just dont understand how the questions are worded can you word them differently so i understand 12 POINTS

act 1 scene 5

first paragraph -
discuss the dramatic effect of the opening and capulets speach remember the atmosphere is happy and everyone is in the party mood

second paragraph -
discuss the dramatic effect of romeos speech about juliet line 41 - 58
remeber that romeos language contrasts with the happy teasing character capulet

3rd -
dissucss the dramatic effect of tybalts speech and how this contrasts with romeos bery romantic speech about juliet also how capulet reacts to tybalts actions 60 - 91

4 and 5 -
discuss the dramatic effect of the meeting between romeo and juliet 92 - 109
remember to really concentrate on the use of language here especually in their shared sonnet
decide whether this is infactuation / real love or more genuine then the love romeo expressed for rosaline