How can I get my way with Telus Mobility?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
They are screwing me over! They neglected to tell me I was close to my warranty expiry date and now that they have ordered me a swap Blackberry Pearl they want me to pay $125 for it! I am 4 days over my warranty ending. I called Blackberry and they told me it's up to Telus whether or not I get my phone for free. How can I do it?!
Why would TELUS have to remind you of warranty dates? You know when you bought your device and the warranty is for a year. Did you have the problem with your Pearl before the warranty was up and they just got around to ordering the replacement now? If that's the case then you might have a leg to stand on. Call them again and be a polite as you can, the reps deal with some real assholes every day and you'd be surprised at how much you can get if you are nice to them. Good Luck.
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