Why do athiests bother to constantly pound christians about their religion?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I mean it doesn't make sense, if athiests don't believe in anything, and have no reason to try to make other people believe in what they believe, then why do they try to hard to sway people from christianity? Christians of course are driven to try to convert people because they believe it is their obligation, but honestly why do athiests bother in the first place if in their minds it would make no difference in the end?

Because christianity is stupid is not an answer.
Because god is a fairytale is not an answer.
Because I feel like it is not an answer.
You suck is not an answer.

Real answers only please.
Because atheists too feel that its their obligation to chip away at people's delusions!
If christians just went about their business and kept their religion to themselves I would have no problem with them. Unfortunately they are insisting on injecting their beliefs into politics and into science education. Religion doesn't belong in either place--especially not the intolerant and bigoted form of christianity that is so prevalent in America these days.
lets faith or face it. it it's always fun for us religious people and atheists to pound one another. We amuse one another and this is what yahoo answers is about.
No one can shake my faith. I'm a muslim and you do not want to see what kind of questions are thrown at us and the thumb downs i get for just stating that i'm a muslim.
i agree with the poster underneath me radicals are always trouble makers.
as long as all you christians keep going on about how "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL" and how we should "ACCEPT JESUS AND BE SAVED" and all that other bullshit, we are going to call you out on the stupidity of it each time.
A real answer: you ask and I answer.

Another real answer: There exists insufficient empirical evidence to support even the hypothesis of a god and/or gods.
People who bash other peoples religion (no matter what religion is bashing any other religion) are nothing but your run of the mill punks.

Atheists, like christians and every other religion out there, are always looking for new recruits. They want people to believe what they believe in and it usually ends up becoming hostile and violent. Look at the Crusades and the war in Iraq right now was sparked by Islamic radicals (key word: radicals...not all Islamics think that way).

It's human nature for people to want others to agree with them and when things don't go their way it's also (unfortunately) human nature that turns it into a schlong measuring contest which usually means violence.

It's stupid, childish and pathetic but it's the way people are.
all the answers you seek are here: godisimaginary.com
this is a real answer, just read and take it seriously, im not insulting you, just asking you to find out why we believe what we do.
"Christians of course are driven to try to convert people because they believe it is their obligation, but honestly why do athiests bother in the first place if in their minds it would make no difference in the end"

But why do christains care about stuff that dont matter

Like abortion and gay marriage for instance
Christians needn't feel so paranoid! Atheists have a lack of respect for all religions equally.
I think they can't bear to admit that they really do believe. I dunno, that's just what I think.
why do Christians constantly attack anyone who doesn't believe what they do? Why do Christians act like your an idiot if you don't agree with them? Why do the Christians in my town always try and "convert' everyone over to their beliefs?
I am Christian, and I believe it is just for lack of truth, for some are looking for something to believe in
Evidently because they themselves feel "got at", criticised or devalued.
As Christians we can become judgemental or elitist and that is the opposite of what Jesus taught. His enemies were raised from the most religious and state controlled establishment. He overturned their money tables, slighted their self importance and preached instead to the dregs of society or at least the common rabble as some would describe ( like us?).

I can see no reference in the Bible to atheists but dire warnings for those that fail to tell non believers of Gods forgiveness and His ultimate self sacrifice on behalf of everyone.

For those that die without God in their hearts it is tragic and to mock such people will not go well for us so let us put up with all the abuse as he did and ask God to make us kind to our unsaved friends and family.
Because religion is dangerous? Because it's not true? It clouds minds and makes good people lead witchhunts to kill others that don't agree with them. We'd prefer not to go back to the inquistion and dark ages...we were sort of murdered alot by the loving christians in those times.

Because it interferes with logic, science, education, and morality? Because it tells one group that they're superior to another and instigates violence against all manners of people for no reason except scripture. Because it influences politicians and the laws the put forth. Because it tries to stamp out free thinking and encourage ignorance?