Obama approval trending downward-is this because we are seeing his true...


May 14, 2008
...beliefs finally? http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/Gallup-Daily-Obama-Job-Approval.aspx

The more Obama speaks-the more the American people see that we elected a radical left-wing ideologue.
Never has America been under such attack--and this time it is from within.
What was Bush and Reagan's approval rating at the end of their term?

Obama's approval rating is plummeting becaus people can't wait for change. 56% approve, 25% don't know, and 25% disapprove.

You are still in the failing bracket. GOP clown
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its so true its frightening. obama is trying to destroy us by big government control and bankrupting us and thats just the start. you hit it just on.
Took 6 months. The Obama news filter is even distancing themselves thats when you know it's bad. Geraldo didn't even abandon OJ
i strongly agree with you. Obama being elected president is probably this nation's worst mistake.
The post-election honeymoon is over, Im surprised it isn't lower, with all the spending, he will always be at around 50% mainly because of how people hate him for his color
Barak Obama's electoral victory expresses the need both of the rulers and the ruled to overcome an unbearable situation, inherited from the Bush Administrations years: deterioration of living conditions, growing unemployment, a ballooning consumer, corporate, and public debt, gigantic deficits, recession and a financial catastrophe - together with an equally catastrophic impasse in the international "war on terror" in the Middle East and Central/ South Asia.

The new Obama Administration is an instrument at the hands of US imperialism to manage its crisis; its policies inescapably at some point will clash violently with the great expectations risen in the masses of workers and oppressed minorities mobilized for its victory.
America, the historically highest point of development of world capitalism, has been transformed into the center of world capitalism has become the center of its deepening crisis .
The strongest capitalist superpower on the planet, capitalist America as a whole, not solely the evaporated US "sub-prime mortgage market", is transformed into the most "toxic asset" of the global system. Trotsky had predicted that America rising to world hegemony accumulates all the world contradictions as dynamite in its foundations. This dynamite, accumulated during a century of expansions and crises, of wars and revolutions, is now exploding changing the shape of the world in the 21st century.
Obama has not been in office very long, to make extreme changes in this country like getting the unemployed back to work.

I am in much need for a job.
I doubt the Bush family will regain the White House any time soon. They tend to leave office after giving us a war and a recession.
the mid class Americans are so busy working their butts off to keep their heads above water. remember they are getting their asses taxed off and no welfare,food stamps,heap,free housing etc. they have just realized(too late) that the generational welfare and progressive radical left wing libs have voted into power. they didn't have time to realize how bad this joker really is. ( and what a temper!!,when things don't go his way)its actually quite sad. God help us all.
It's amazing how republicans never put this much stalk in the approval ratings when Bush's were habitually in the 20's.