LGBT : What do you think of PDA (Public Display of Affection?


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I kind of like it if my partner does it right.. Though i am single now. But, i think its nice upto a certain extent. so what do u think of it?

MP : Are you commited?
MP : Do you do it or does your partner does it?
I think its cool but I am not the one to do it in public. we can xchange words or smiles or looks but touching or kissing, nah :)

MP: Yes
MP:My partner likes to do it but I dont.
Public Display of Affection.. Straight or Gay, if they're just holding hands and stuff, then I don't mind. But when they start making-out like crazy (I've seen quite a lot school... especially in the cafeteria), it's very uncomfortable and it makes me sick... I usually just pretend I didn't even see them at all.

MP: Are you commited?
- To be honest, I don't know...
MP: Do you do it or does your partner does it?
- I never been in an actual relationship before.
i don't mind hugging or holding hands..
but i want to gag when i see people being all like
person one: "mhmm baby hunnykins i luvss you" -gooey mouth kiss-
person two: "honeymuffins i luvs you too" -another gooey kiss-
-continue with gushyness and fluff-
or when i'm subjected to seeing people going madly at sucking faces...
basically, no matter whether they're gay or straight or something in between, i just wish people would keep the gooey/intimate stuff private, like i believe it's supposed to be.
kissing(no tongue) holding hands giving the look of i love with your eyes oh yea kissing of the hand if your out to dinner.
I'm ok with seeing LBGT doing it, but i'm not the type to do it

MP: Yes
MP2: My partner wants to do it, but i don't
I like PDA to a certain degree.. I don't consider making out to be a display of affection.. just a simple kiss maybe.. holding hands.. those kind of things..

MP : YES ( almost engaged )
MP : depends on where we are, we both do..
I love PDA......I love seeing two people together and I love knowing my partner is not ashamed to be seen with me in public. No PDA and I feel I embarrass the person I'm with, I don't like to be hidden
I'm single choice. I have no problem with PDA. There's nothing wrong with showing the person how much you love them whether it's in private or in a public place. If it bothers anyone, they should just look away.
I'm not a fan... don't get me wrong though i don't mind a peck or holding hands... it's just when people start showing off...ugh....
MP: No
MP: Well i know i wouldn't do it
I don't like it at all
but only when it's 2 people hardcore making out
You know when you're not spose to look at something
but... you just can't turn away
that's what it does to me!

MP:Nah, it's cuz I'm ugly
MP2:I wouldn't unless it was dark out and the other people were far far far far far far far... away
no partner
Some of it is holding hands, hugging, kissing on the cheek. But if two people, regardless if they're gay or straight, are just like tonging it down then that's gross...Especially if there are children near by...

MP: Yeah, if I'm interested.
MP: I wouldn't do it.
im not really a big fan of it.. because i dont like seeing other people doing it. so i dont want to inflict the uncomfort on other people

also.. gay PDA's tend to be more controversial and i dont really like drawing attention to myself

MP: no
MP: n/a