What are ur dream vacations?


Active member
May 12, 2008
ok so me and my fam r going on vacation and this year for fun my parents made me and my sis choose where ( i kno we didnt plan early but thats the fun part-and hard part)!!! we have only a few days to choos or else our parents will (no our parents arent mean we just wanted to make it like a game this year:p) so me and my sis are gonna go and cheat a bit by asking u guys but its not exactly cheating i just like to call it like that:) so we want to know wer would u guys go if u wer given the choice??
From: Alex Dunscit (me) & Kennedy Dunscit (my sis)
srry we just felt like puttin our full names:p plzz answer we dont want our parents to choose!!!
yes these r our real names:)lol